Courtesy of ellenbernstein.org
Ellen Bernstein is the advisor for identity and praxis at Hampshire College. She also serves as the campus rabbi. Ellen began her spiritual journey as a young person, seeking solace and delight in nature. For years, Ellen Bernstein sought a Jewish institution that integrated the natural or environmental dimensions of Judaism. Not finding one, she founded the first national Jewish environmental organization, Shomrei Adamah, Keepers of the Earth in 1988. Ellen is particularly interested in the intersection of the secular and the sacred, and finds the spiritual alive in the material and natural world. The Hebrew word for God, literally translated, means "being" or "existence," and Ellen finds holiness in all dimensions of life. Read more here.
Tu B'Shvat Matters: Celebrating Trees and Nature was provided courtesy of Ellen and her step-daughter. Below is a collection of images from the event.